Divination in Wicca

Witches #4: Romance

Witches Rune #4: Romance The Romance Rune suggests a great desire surfacing in your life or becoming infatuated with a person different from the people you normally associate with. Turning up this stone indicates being drawn into situations or affairs that defy reason or being drawn away by forces outside of your control. This stone […]

Witches Rune #5: Rings

Witches Rune #5: Rings The Rings Rune implies important alliances and agreements. Drawing this rune can suggest aligning your energies with another toward the successful completion of your goals. The Rings Rune symbolizes all bonds. You can look forward to important gatherings soon or the dissolution of joint ventures. Even facing an enemy straight on. […]

Witches Rune #6: Woman

Witches Rune #6: Woman To select the Woman Rune foretells a period of healing and rejuvenation. It suggest finding a place where you can be yourself, where all things can flourish and grow. When this rune is drawn, you can expect gentle action rather than shattering changes. When picking this rune you can expect something […]

Witches Rune #7: Man

Witches Rune #7: Man The Man Rune implies force. It suggest linking up with individuals who are pushy or apply more force than is necessary. This rune suggests timely action on a current matter. If you move promptly you can expect big benefits; if not, an opportunity may pass by. The rune comes with a […]

Witches Rune #8: Harvest

Witches Rune #8: Harvest The most positive stone of all, the Harvest Rune indicates the spirit of protection and good fortune. This is a time when doorways open and obstacles are lifted. Expect an increase in all areas of your life. Look for an opening which sets you on the right path, as well as […]

Witches Rune #9: Crossroads

Witches Rune #9: Crossroads This rune indicates a more difficult path where things are not so easy. The Crossroads represents not only quarrels and misunderstandings but also discipline and mastery over the self. It is not necessarily bad luck, but rather slow, substantial gains. The Crossroads suggest maintaining the status quo, understanding boundaries and limitations, […]

Witches Rune #10: Star

Witches Rune #10: Star This rune inindicates the realization of a dream that has been extremely meaningful to you. When picking this stone you can expect the crystallization of long-term dreams or plans and the presence of higher power. Drawing this rune promises several fortunate developments in your life, possibly shattering your preconceived notions of […]

Ghost Cities

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Cauldrons & Broomsticks

Re-born at Yule 2011, this is one pagan's blog about her life, the universe and her beliefs.