Tag Archive | Herbalism

The Bach Flower Remedies

Dr Edward Bach was a bacteriologist, pathologist and homeopath from England. He developed the Bach flower remedies; dilutions of flower material, in the 1930’s by trial and error. Letting his intuition guide him to the correct plants and then figuring out what each may be helpful for when used. Each of his 38 remedies is […]

Healing Herb List #5

Coughroot (Trillium Erectum); also called birthroot, Indian shamrock, lamb’s quarters, Beth root, wake-Robin, Indian balm, ground lily, Jew’s – harp plant, milk ipecac, Pariswort, rattlesnake root, snakebite or nightshade. Coughroot is indigenous to the central and western US with the rhizomes, dried root and leaves being the medicinal parts of this perennial plant. The active […]

A Quick Update

I felt like I have been neglecting my B-O-S a bit the last couple of months. I got a tablet for my Yule gift 2012 and it is difficult to post from there. This last week, I have been trying to make up for lost time by creating a few new pages and posting them […]

Level 2 Initiation

Once you have studied the craft for “A year and a day,” you are probably ready to move ahead. By now; you will have rid yourself of most of the negative influences in your life. You will have studied herbs, oils, stones and know how to combine your runes with candles, ect. You are probably […]

Healing Herb List #4

Juniper (Juniperus Communis); sometimes also called Enebro, Ginepro or Juniper Berry. The medicinal part of the Juniper is the ripe dried berry cones, the ripe fresh berry cones, the fresh or dried pseudo fruit or berry, the ripe berry or the essential oil from the berry cone. It can be found in Europe, northern Africa, […]

Healing Herb List #3

Alfalfa (Medicago Sativa); also known as Lucerne, Purple Medic and Buffalo Herb. The medicinal parts of alfalfa are the whole flowing plant or the germinating seeds. Alfalfa is bitter, dry and may even seem unpleasantly salty. It is indigenous to the Mediterranean region but has been grown all over for centuries. Alfalfa can be used […]

Healing Herb List #2

Arabica Coffee (Coffea Arabica); also Coffee, Arabian Coffee-The medicinal part of the coffee plant is the seeds in various stages of its development. Best to use for medicinal purposes is fresh (self) ground beans, because if you use ground coffee it can easily be mixed with coffee substitutes such as chicory, dandelion root, figs or […]

Ghost Cities

Tales of Mystery and the Supernatural


Vantage point from a malleable heart and a vulnerable soul


A great WordPress.com site

Tender Buttons

“But it is one thing to read about dragons and another to meet them.” ― Ursula K. Le Guin, A Wizard of Earthsea

My Eyes Are Up Here

My life is not just about my chest, despite rumblings to the contrary.


A dermatologist's mission to help you tap into your sun-conscious so you can be sun-safe, sun-savvy and love your skin and yourself as your pursue your bliss


Passionate about cooking and baking and love to share.

shiny pebbles

Writing myself present...

Gluten free dairy free soy free dream

For those living gf, df, and sf.


at least poetry doesn't give you cancer...


through the darkness there is light

all about mEL...

smile, laugh, forgive, believe, and love all over again...❤❤❤

Ozark Pagan Mamma

A Journey of Evolving Folk Traditions

Druid Life

Nimue Brown, David Bridger - Druidry, Paganism, Creativity, Hope


when words just come pouring out


Cat-Loving, Nature-Loving, Tattooed, Witchy, Hippy, Pagan. English Girl!

Stone of Destiny

Musings of a Polytheistic Nature

Cauldrons & Broomsticks

Re-born at Yule 2011, this is one pagan's blog about her life, the universe and her beliefs.