Tag Archive | young witches

Spring Equinox Ritual

As the waxing sun of March begins to warm the ground; it starts to melt the snow and coaxes the crocuses to bloom in the front yard. Once I see their small, delicate buds poking through the cold snow; I know that Spring has arrived, that it is now time to start watching for the […]

Invocation of Underworld Deities

When doing spell work, you may wish to invoke a specific Deity. This ritual is for the invocation of any Deity that is considered an Underworld Deity. It helps you with which supplies and alter tools that are necessary to attract the power of your Deity as well. You can also re-write the invocation if […]

Invocation of Moon Goddess

The invocation of the Moon Deities is a ritual that is used to gather assistance during your divination. Use this when you are preparing to read your divination tool such as tarot cards, scrying or pulling the rune stones. It should help to strengthen your ability to divine if you use help from your Deity […]

Invocation of Earth and Grain Deities

The invocation of the Earth and Grain Deities is used to bring good things to you. If you are doing a spell to bring healing, inspiration or to improve life; you should invoke the Earth/Grain Deities. It is also the invocation that you would use for the Spring and Summer Sabbats. COLOR: Yellow, Brown INCENSE/OIL: […]

About Writing Magick Words

Once again; on a lighter note this time, I wanted to talk about the “Magick Words.” So many young witches do not feel comfortable writing their own spells, rituals and prayers because they feel they don’t know the magick words. I am here with a little (okay…not so little) antic dote to show you that […]

Ghost Cities

Tales of Mystery and the Supernatural


Vantage point from a malleable heart and a vulnerable soul


A great WordPress.com site

Tender Buttons

“But it is one thing to read about dragons and another to meet them.” ― Ursula K. Le Guin, A Wizard of Earthsea

My Eyes Are Up Here

My life is not just about my chest, despite rumblings to the contrary.


A dermatologist's mission to help you tap into your sun-conscious so you can be sun-safe, sun-savvy and love your skin and yourself as your pursue your bliss


Passionate about cooking and baking and love to share.

shiny pebbles

Writing myself present...

Gluten free dairy free soy free dream

For those living gf, df, and sf.


at least poetry doesn't give you cancer...


through the darkness there is light

all about mEL...

smile, laugh, forgive, believe, and love all over again...❤❤❤

Ozark Pagan Mamma

A Journey of Evolving Folk Traditions

Druid Life

Nimue Brown, David Bridger - Druidry, Paganism, Creativity, Hope


when words just come pouring out


Cat-Loving, Nature-Loving, Tattooed, Witchy, Hippy, Pagan. English Girl!

Stone of Destiny

Musings of a Polytheistic Nature

Cauldrons & Broomsticks

Re-born at Yule 2011, this is one pagan's blog about her life, the universe and her beliefs.