Tag Archive | rune

Spring Equinox Ritual

As the waxing sun of March begins to warm the ground; it starts to melt the snow and coaxes the crocuses to bloom in the front yard. Once I see their small, delicate buds poking through the cold snow; I know that Spring has arrived, that it is now time to start watching for the […]

Imbolc Ritual

Imbolc; (pronounced iMOLK), is the Gaelic festival that marked the beginning of Spring. It is celebrated on February 1 or 2; half-way between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, in the Northern Hemisphere. (It is usually celebrated on August 1 or 2 in the Southern Hemisphere to compensate for the shift in the seasons.) The holiday […]

Making Magick Work For You

I thought that maybe I should write an article about the way that magick works. Just remember that this is only my opinion and I’m sure there is someone out there that would like to argue with me about it. I’m not writing this to get an argument started; I thought that maybe it would […]

Level 2 Initiation

Once you have studied the craft for “A year and a day,” you are probably ready to move ahead. By now; you will have rid yourself of most of the negative influences in your life. You will have studied herbs, oils, stones and know how to combine your runes with candles, ect. You are probably […]

Witches Rune #1: Sun

Witches Rune #1: Sun Always a good omen, the Sun Rune means something of value is coming your way. You can look forward to taking a bold step, embarking in a new direction. Some may be carried out of their daily grind by unexpected and fortunate events. Other will be made aware of added responsibility […]

Witches Rune #2: Moon

Witches Rune #2: Moon Relying on old ways of doing things could impede your success if you do not handle the moon’s intuitive energy properly. Drawing the Moon Stone suggests wisdom gained through experience of memory, but does not mean you should stay in a rut or stick to the kinds of habits that only […]

Witches Rune #3: Flight

Witches Rune #3: Flight The Flight Rune stands for a time when you will finally break free and overcome obstacles that have impeded your progress. You can look forward to a time when all communications; physical, meta-physical and spiritual are of great importance. Expect to be given news that will alter your direction. Look to […]

Ghost Cities

Tales of Mystery and the Supernatural


Vantage point from a malleable heart and a vulnerable soul


A great WordPress.com site

Tender Buttons

“But it is one thing to read about dragons and another to meet them.” ― Ursula K. Le Guin, A Wizard of Earthsea

My Eyes Are Up Here

My life is not just about my chest, despite rumblings to the contrary.


A dermatologist's mission to help you tap into your sun-conscious so you can be sun-safe, sun-savvy and love your skin and yourself as your pursue your bliss


Passionate about cooking and baking and love to share.

shiny pebbles

Writing myself present...

Gluten free dairy free soy free dream

For those living gf, df, and sf.


at least poetry doesn't give you cancer...


through the darkness there is light

all about mEL...

smile, laugh, forgive, believe, and love all over again...❤❤❤

Ozark Pagan Mamma

A Journey of Evolving Folk Traditions

Druid Life

Nimue Brown, David Bridger - Druidry, Paganism, Creativity, Hope


when words just come pouring out


Cat-Loving, Nature-Loving, Tattooed, Witchy, Hippy, Pagan. English Girl!

Stone of Destiny

Musings of a Polytheistic Nature

Cauldrons & Broomsticks

Re-born at Yule 2011, this is one pagan's blog about her life, the universe and her beliefs.